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World Religions Presentation

  • 06/13/2018
  • 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Four Points by Sheraton


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Come learn about the major world religions in our area, as well as the implications for your workplace from Dr. Chris Jones from Washburn University.

Major World Religions in the workplace

  • A brief overview of world religions in Kansas
    • Christian denominations
    • Judaism
    • Islam
    • Buddhism
    • Hinduism
    • Yoruba diaspora religions
    • Native American religions
  • Diversity, inclusion, and equity in the workplace
    • Privilege and power
    • Hidden barriers to access
  • Promoting an inclusive and equitable workplace for people of all traditions (and none)
    • Privilege and personal questions
    • Need vs. want to know
    • Universal design as a model
  • What not to do (in general, and with people from specific traditions)
    • What not to assume
    • What not to say or ask
    • What not to do
  • Questions

About our speaker

Dr. Chris Jones is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Washburn University. He holds a Ph.D. in Hebrew and Semitic Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. At Washburn, Dr. Jones teaches courses on the academic study of religion, various world religions, and specific special topics (e.g., biblical studies, gender/sexuality and religion, comparative paganisms). A lifelong public educator, Dr. Jones is committed to bridging the town/gown divide and promoting public understanding of religion throughout the state of Kansas.

Affiliate of Society for Human Resource Management, Chapter #662
"Human Resource Management Network" is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 356, Manhattan, KS 66502


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